Every year security companies are coming up with the “worst passwords” based on breached credentials found on in the murkier parts of the internet. Every year people seem surprised that “123456” is a terrible password and people are still using it.
Passwords often get rated by how quickly the could be “cracked”. The length of time for cracking passwords in the real world varies wildly according the the context and the numbers are often confusing.
NordPass recently published their list of most common passwords and claimed that the third most popular password was “picture1” and it would take 3 hours to crack. If that’s referring to offline password cracking then we should have a whip-round to upgrade the hackers hardware because a password like that should take seconds to crack.
When hackers try to brute force their way into an account online they have to try lots of different password combinations until they get in, or just give up. This takes a lot of time so hackers spend time optimizing their password lists to give themselves the best chance at success.
So which passwords are hackers using to try to break into systems?
To find out which passwords they are using I have setup a honeypot with SSH exposed to the internet and watched the hackers try to break in.
This video shows a snapshot of the 3000+ daily attempts to break into my system. I set the honeypot up in such a way that there was actually no valid password and the attackers would never get in. This gave me the best chance to capture their attacking dictionary.
It turns out that their dictionary is pretty extensive with 30,000 entries so far and still growing. If you want to access the full list, it’s on github here.
The worst passwords on that list are the usual ones like 1234, password and hello. The truth is, that’s not very useful to know, because almost any modern platform or office requires you to have a minimum password length of 8 characters with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.
What are the most common policy compliant passwords?
Here is the top thirty most attacked passwords that you might actually be using.
- Passw0rd
- 1qaz@WSX
- Password1
- P@ssw0rd
- 4rfv$RFV
- p@ssw0rd
- 1qaz@WSX3edc$RFV
- 1qaz@wsx
- 123qwe!@#
- root@123
- 1qazXSW@
- !QAZ2wsx
- Admin@123
- ABCabc123
- password1!
- Password01
- Abcd1234
- 1qaz#EDC
- 123!@#qwe
- Admin123!
- admin@123
- 1QaZ2WsX
- P@$$w0rd
- 3edc#EDC
- 1qaz!QAZ
- 1q2w3e,.
- Passw0rd1234
- Pa55word
- Ilouberi5
- admin@1234
If you want the list of the top 10,000 of the worst passwords you can download it directly from GitHub here.
If you download the full list you will notice that I have excluded certain passwords such as J5cmmu=Kyf0-br8CsW, 7ujMko0admin, and OkwKcECs8qJP2Z. That’s because these are specific to IoT devices and botnets that are trying to hack each other.
the most commonly attacked passwords are keyboard patterns
Apart from the usual variations on Passw0rd1 and Admin123!, the most commonly attacked passwords are keyboard patterns. People have been using password patterns like 1qaz@WSX for a long time and hackers know it. SecLists has a whole file dedicated to keyboard patterns.
The bottom line on passwords
Variations on the word “password”, keyboard patterns and l33tspeak versions of the username won’t last long on an internet facing service. These might meet a company policy document but they aren't survive the barrage of attacks a service faces on the internet. Eventually someone will guess your password. Using password generation tools like https://toughpassword.com to generate a strong random password can help, but anything internet facing really needs multi-factor authentication in place.
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