keep hand written notes on everything I find that is useful. This is
part of a series of blog posts on making your own DIY red team tools
from my notes. Obviously you should only use these tools where you are
allowed to use these tools, and you should take care when making or
using any tools. These are just my notes on what worked for me, your
mileage may very, etc.
Under Door Tool
The under door tool is useful when you are on the wrong side of a door that has a door handle which unlocks it. These doors open so easily to allow people to escape in case of a fire and a power outage. Examples of these doors are found throughout commercial properties but are not normally found in domestic properties. The doors tend to look something like this.
The under door tool can easily bypass doors in under a minute, but they are bulky to carry and can be hard to source locally. A commercial UDT is likely to cost about £60.00 shipped, but an improvised one could easily be made for less than £10.00 in materials.
You are going to need:
1800mm of 4mm steel
1500mm of 50lbs kevlar cord (or similar)
35mm diameter ring (or similar)
The cord can be any strong cord of about 1mm diameter. An inner strand of 550 paracord will work.
A way of bending the steel: a pipe bender, tubing to act as a handle, or be really strong and use pliers....
Blowtorch or gas stove.
Metal file.
Metal saw (optional)
Hack saw or file the steel to length.
Bend to shape.
Round the working end and put a 20' bend about 2cm from the working end. This will be what stops the tool from sliding off the handle.
About 10cm from the working end create a 90' bend in the same direction as the first bend. Do this slowly, there is not need for this to be a tight bend. Bending round something with a 20-50mm diameter will help with this.
At the other end, create a "handle" that is about 150mm long.
About 150mm from the handle create a large curve bending round about 120% around a circle of about 200mm in diameter.
Heat treat bends. (optional)
Heat treat everything once it is has been shaped to help it
hold it's shape. You don't need to do this if you are only using the tool a couple of times but if you plan to reuse it a bunch, then it's really recommended.
Heat treating can be done by heating with a blowtorch or over a stove until cherry red and then quenching in cold water. Repeat three times.
Add the large bend in the main shaft and the slight back bend about 100mm from the top of the shaft. This is how you adjust the height of the tool to match the door you are attacking.
Attach cord.
Use the file to put two notches in the working end to hold the cord. One should be 5-10mm from the rounded end, and the other should be about 20mm from the working end.
Attach the cord and the ring. I recommend using a snell knot, but any knot that works will do.
Here is a better video than I could make about how to use the UDT.
If there isn't enough of a gap under the door to use the UDT, an airwedge can usually lift most doors enough to allow the tool to work.
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